50 Perfect Thanksgiving Messages, Wishes and Quotes
“Vegetables are a must on Thanksgiving. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread and pumpkin pie.”
“The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.” —Dalai Lama
“Forever on Thanksgiving day the heart will find the pathway home.” —Wilbur D. Nesbit
“Thanksgiving after all, is a word of action.” —W.J. Cameron
“We have so much to be thankful for. One day a year hardly seems adequate…” —Anonymous
“If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share.” —W. Clement Stone
“A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.” —Cicero
“I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. It is surprising how contented one can be with nothing definite—only a sense of existence.” —Henry David Thoreau
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.” —John F. Kennedy
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." —Melody Beattie
“Vegetables are a must on Thanksgiving. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread and pumpkin pie.” —Jim Davis
“Cooking tip: Wrap turkey leftovers in aluminum foil and throw them out.” —Nicole Hollander
“You can tell you ate too much for Thanksgiving when you have to let your bathrobe out.” —Jay Leno
“May the turkey legs be yours this Thanksgiving.” —Unknown
“Whenever I want to feel thankful, I just look at my Facebook friends list.” —Unknown
“May the wishbone snap in your favor this Thanksgiving.” —Unknown
“After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relations.” —Oscar Wilde
“Thanksgiving, man. Not a good day to be my pants.” —Kevin James
“Thanksgiving is a blessing in disguise. With your friends and family near, make this day as special as you can and thank them with your heart. Happy Thanksgiving!” —Unknown
“You and I should count our blessings, but we should also make them count!” —Neal A. Maxwell
“Another time is here to think about all the special people in our lives and to be grateful for the times we have shared. Enjoy this Thanksgiving.” —Unknown
"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." —G.K. Chesterton
“Happy Turkey Day. Wishing you a gobble, gobble, great holiday surrounded by family, friends & a delicious feast!” —Unknown
“Happy Thanksgiving. May the warm glow of autumn surround you as you celebrate the holiday with family & friends.” —Unknown
“Happy Thanksgiving. Wishing you a day filled with joy and blessings, and a wonderful holiday season ahead!” —Unknown
“Happy Thanksgiving. Here’s hoping whatever you do today brings you delight from morning until night. May the holiday bring you nothing but wonderful things in abundance.” —Unknown
“Gather yourself for a season filled with plentiful happiness. May you have your friends by your side and foods on your table. Happy Thanksgiving Day!” —Unknown
“May you enjoy this celebration with your family full of laughter and peace. Happy Thanksgiving greetings!” —Unknown
“"A thankful heart is the parent of all virtues." Therefore, Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to give thanks for all the things we have and those that we are yet to receive. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.” —Unknown
'Thanksgiving is a time to remember and embrace those who enrich our life. I may be thankful for a lot of things, but mostly, I am thankful to have you.” —Unknown
“We might be a crazy family, but I would never ever wish for it to be any other way. I am so deeply thankful for you!” —Unknown
“Having somewhere to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing.” —Unknown.
“However rare true love may be, true friendship is still rarer.” —Francois VI
“You have been there for me through all the ups and downs. There is no amount of times I could write ‘Thank you’ that would fully encapsulate the amount of gratitude I have for you.” —Unknown
“Here’s to all the great work we’ve done together this year, so far. I’m filled with gratitude to have such great, creative, hard working people on my team.” —Unknown
“In this time of Thanksgiving, I want to express my appreciation for you. Working with you over years has been an amazing opportunity. I appreciate your high standards, persistence, and fine sense of humor.” —Unknown
“May the good things of life be yours in abundance, not only at Thanksgiving but throughout the coming year.” —Unknown
“One of the joys of Thanksgiving is wishing you a happy Holiday Season and a healthy and prosperous New Year.” —Unknown
“Whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings you happiness… May it be yours this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year.” —Unknown
“I wish you a happy thanksgiving season with warm gratitude in my heart for you. I hope you have a great holiday season ahead and enjoy it to the fullest.” —Unknown
“You are my mentor in the office and have lighted up my path whenever faced with any problem. I wish you all the happiness in this thanksgiving. Hope you have a great year ahead.” —Unknown
“Praying that God’s mercy, grace, and love fill your heart this holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving!”
“We should be grateful everyday for what God has done for us. Take time this Thanksgiving to give Him thanks and praise!”
Blessings, blessings, and more blessings: that is my prayer for you. Happy Thanksgiving and may God greatly bless you!
“Happy Thanksgiving! ‘Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the father.” —Colossians 3:17”
“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. Happy Thanksgiving!”
“May you celebrate Thanksgiving day with love in your heart, prosperous vision in your mind, and gratitude in your being”
"So once in every year we throng, upon a day apart, To praise the Lord with feast and song, In thankfulness of heart." —Arthur Guiterman
"The Christian who walks with the Lord and keeps constant communion with Him will see many reasons for rejoicing and thanksgiving all day long." —Warren W. Wiersbe
"The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad." —Psalm 118:2
"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever." —Psalm 136:1
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