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9 Valentine’s Day Photo Book Ideas That’ll Make You Fall In Love All Over Again

I can’t help falling in love with you… and your photo-book-making skills.

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Jennifer Lopez once sang, “my love don't cost a thing,” and although J.Lo was right about not putting a price tag on romance, at the time, she didn't know how precious and affordable a Chatbooks photo book could be. 

There's a way to display every sentimental photo — with a photo book to hold ALL the pictures from your relationship! Print your favorite photos in a Layflat or Classic Photo Book (also great options for any engagement or wedding photos!), and add your inside jokes as captions or text pages, so that whenever you look through your couple photos, it's all right there.

If you’re looking for a sentimental, personalized gift that looks like it took hours to make (when it only took 10 minutes), try one of these memorable Valentine’s Day photo book ideas. You can add all your favorite memories and milestones as a couple to show your partner just how much you care. No need to run to the florist for flowers — in fact, this gift is even more affordable than dinner for two! Just download the Chatbooks app and start building a photo book right now. Need some inspiration to build out your V-day photo book? Read on!

Relive your first date

If you have any pictures from your first date or photos from a time you revisited your first date location, be sure to include your nostalgic pictures in your V-Day book! Use the text pages to call out important dates or locations.

Highlight your favorite picture

You and your partner look good together, and you know it because one of your favorite pictures is currently your phone lockscreen. Sift through your photos and find your absolute favorites. As you go to build your Valentine’s Day photo book, add a text page next to each photo where you explain what you really love about the picture.

Make them smile with silly photos

The best part about you and your loved one? You two are SO. MUCH. FUN. If you’re the goofy couple that loves to snap silly selfies or take sneaky shots of each other, this is a perfect place for those all those pics!

Celebrate your little family

If you are the proud parents of a beautiful fur baby, dedicate your Valentine’s Day photo book to pictures of your iconic trio. Include a mix of squad selfies and action shots to really communicate your tribe vibe.

Write your fairy tale

If you and your significant other are engaged, use this Valentine’s Day to create a photo fairy tale of your romance. First, write down your love story. Then, as you build your photo book, sprinkle in photos that help your story come to life. Of course, it has to start with: Once upon a time...

Make it all about milestones

First house, first car, first kid… the list goes on of important milestones that you have gotten to share with your partner. Those pictures are priceless — print them all into a photo book using “milestones” as your theme.

Include the extended family

The great thing about finding the love of your life is the addition of new family members and friends. Find your favorite family photos — whether it be of you and your own children or you and your new extended families — and include those in your photo book. These pictures can be especially meaningful if your significant other hasn’t been able to see their loved ones in some time.

Share your favorite romantic quotes

Perhaps you and your S.O. share a motto or a quote that symbolizes your love and devotion. Write out your favorite love quotes and include them as text pages in your personalized photo book. And if you find a pretty illustration of a quote you love, use it as your book cover!

Revisit your adventures

Do you love to travel together? Take them on a tour through your memories with a travel-themed photo book that bring on all the wanderlust.

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