41 Questions To Ask Your Grandparents ASAP
Family history is an important way to connect with your past and to learn from those you love and respect, so conduct a special interview with your grandparents.
Where did you grow up? What was it like there?
Who was your childhood best friend?
What was your first date?
Who was your first love?
How did you meet your spouse?
Describe the personalities of each of your siblings
What music did you like as a teenager?
Did you ever go on vacation as a child? Where did you go?
What is your favorite city in the world?
Tell me about one of your happiest memories.
What’s the most important lesson you have learned during your life?
What was dating like when you were a teenager?
Describe your teenage self in 3 words.
What were your parents like?
What were some of the fashions when you were in high school?
What was the first home you ever bought?
Describe the moment you proposed/were proposed to.
What made you choose each of your children’s names?
What is one thing you want people to remember about you?
Do you think money can buy happiness? Why or why not?
What was your first job?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
If you could go back in time and choose a new career for yourself, would you? What would you choose?
Who was your celebrity crush growing up?
Tell me about when you learned to drive a car.
What have you always been good at?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What are some significant world events that you lived through?
How do you feel about faith?
Have you ever had surgery?
Have you ever done anything crazy?
What was the hardest thing for you to go through?
What do you remember about your grandparents?
Which decade of life has been your favorite?
Do you have any regrets in life?
What is the best decision you have ever made?
Who is your current best friend?
What did your childhood bedroom look like?
What is the best gift you’ve ever received?
Who is someone you miss?
Did you ever have a pet?
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