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How To Add Photos (From a Different Month) to Your Monthbook

Here's how you can select pics from varying months and add them to your subscription.

how to add photos
Chatbooks Ideas

Picture this: You're adding the finishing touches to your most recent Monthbook when you realize, your sister forgot to send you those super cute family pics you took last weekend! After she sends them to you, they pop up in a weird spot in your camera roll—that definitely doesn't align with the date the pictures were taken—and you're bummed because you want to include them in your Monthbook, but it's not your fault your phone is being wonky!

Good news? You can absolutely add photos from a different month to your Monthbook.

When you start a Chatbooks Monthbook, your photo options will automatically filter to the time range (ex: March Monthbook, you'll see March photos) you're working on. If you'd like to see photos from another month, and add them to your Monthbook, here's how:

How to Select Photos From a Different Month on iOS
  • Open your Chatbooks app
  • Go to the Shop
  • Press the menu icon in the upper left hand corner
  • Click "My books"
  • Tap your Subscription
  • Open your Monthbook
  • Under the Book that you'd like to add photos to, tap "Add Photos"
  • Locate "Camera Roll" in the upper middle part of the screen, then tap to the right to select "Filter"
  • Select the month you'd like to see photos from. You can also hide screenshots or filter to only show high-quality photos. When finished adjusting the filters, click "Done"
  • You can also clear your filter by selecting "None"
  • When you select the month and year you'd like to use, tap "Apply"
How to Select Photos From a Different Month on Android
  • Open the Chatbooks app and navigate to your Subscription
  • Open your Monthbook
  • Choose a Photo Source
  • Press on "Filter" in the upper right-hand corner
  • Change the date range, or select an Album
  • You can also clear the filter by selecting "Clear All" so all photos appear from your Camera Roll
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