How to Write Romantic Wedding Vows That’ll Bring All the Tears
Be sure to add text pages and captions of your vows so they’re printed alongside photos of your special day!
Depending on how long you want your vows to last (typically 45 seconds to two minutes per person), a great way to personalize your vows is to begin with a meaningful moment. Maybe it’s describing what you were thinking the first time you met your soon-to-be spouse, or the moment you knew they were the one. Talking about where your relationship started and where it’s headed will make for super emotional, beautiful vows.
Is your partner your best friend, whole world, favorite musician, or the very best chef? Let them know that you see and appreciate them, acknowledge all the things they’re good at and the parts of their personality that make them special to you. This is a great time to express all the things you love about your partner!
Sneak an inside joke into your vows — or a line about a funny or embarrassing story most of your guests know about. (Ex: I promise to never get mad when you forget your keys, especially when you lock yourself out of the house right before you propose!)
You can always add a quote from your favorite song, show or movie — something that means something to you both. And if you’re struggling to find the words, we’ve already compiled a list of famous romantic quotes and Bible verses to help you out.
Be sure to mention that even when the waters get rough, you’ll be there for them. Your commitment to one another will be the foundation of your marriage, and this is a great time to add that despite all the wonderful things that are ahead, you’ll be your spouse’s rock through sickness and in health.
When thinking about the future, it’s full of promise — and vows traditionally include promises from one partner to the other. Think of promises that will mean a great deal to your spouse, and mention specific things, like a trip they’ve always wanted to go on, or something they’ve been afraid of (ex: I promise to always kill the spiders, or I promise we’ll make that trip to Japan to see your grandmother’s home). Be sure to end your vows looking toward the future!
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