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How to Create a Thankful Memory Wall

The best way to display your gratitude for the holiday season!

thankful gratitude wall
Chatbooks Ideas

The holidays, especially Thanksgiving, are all about showing gratitude for our health, family, friends, accomplishments and so much more. It's a time to give thanks, acknowledge good deeds and loved ones—and not just a time to eat the most delicious stuffing of the year!

This Thanksgiving, create a Thankful Memory Wall with your kids to visualize all the wonderful memories, accomplishments and blessings of the year.

And don't forget—your perfect photo moments will look great on the cover of your next subscription photo book, or Classic Photo Book.


Grateful hearts, meet your new favorite wall🍁💛 A new product is on its way to make thankful look this good! #thankful #memorywall #pictures #chatbooks #photos #memories #creatorsearchinsights

♬ FEEL THE GROOVE - Queens Road, Fabian Graetz
How to a Thankful Memory Wall

First, take brown paper and crumple it up to mimic the base of a tree.

Use brown tape (or whatever works best for your space) to attach to the walls, and continue building the trunk and adding branches that spread across your wall.

You can even add a banner that says "Thankful Tree," if you'd like.

Using Chatbooks Premium Prints, you can add photos you've printed from throughout the year that represent feelings, memories or people and places your family is grateful for.

Add tape to the back of the print, and place on one of the tree's "branches" to complete your family's Thankful Memory Wall.

Each family member can take turns saying what they're thankful for!

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