53 Festive Christmas Baby Names Inspired By the Holiday Season
The holidays are a magical time, which is why they inspired these adorable baby names. Which is your fave?
Christmas Names for Girls
- Angel, Angelica, Angelina
- Belle, Bella, Bell
- Beth, Bethany, Elizabeth (named for Bethlehem, where Christ was born)
- Candi, Kandi (as in Christmas candies, candy cane)
- Carol, Carole, Caroline
- Christine, Christina
- December
- Dorothy, Dorothea (meaning “gift from God”)
- Dove (the bird of peace)
- Elle, Emmanuelle (meaning “God is with us”)
- Eve, Eva
- Faith
- Felicity (meaning happiness)
- Grace
- Gloria, Glory
- Ginger
- Holly
- Hope
- Ivy
- Joy
- Mary, Maria
- Natalie, Natalia (meaning “born on Christmas day”)
- Natasha
- Nicole
- Noelle, Noel
- Star, Starr, Starlee
- Stella (meaning star)
Christmas Names for Boys
- Malachi (“my messenger” in Hebrew)
- Christian
- Christopher
- Emmanuel (meaning “God is with us”)
- Joseph
- Joshua, Yeshua (versions of the name Jesus)
- Theodore (meaning “gift from God”)
- Nicholas, Nick
- David
- Felix (meaning success, happiness)
- Gabriel, Gabe (meaning “God is my strength”)
- John (meaning “God is gracious”)
- Noel, Nole
- Rudolph, Rudy
- Tannon (from “O, Tannenbaum”)
- Angelo
- Jasper, Casper (Jasper is the English version of Caspar, the name assigned to one of the Magi bearing gifts to baby Jesus)
- Jesus
- Lucia (meaning light)
- Clement (meaning mild or merciful)
- Elden (meaning “from the elves’ valley”)
- Ember (taken from part of December)
- Frank (taken from part of Frankincense)
- Luke
- Michael (meaning “who is like God”)
- Snowden
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