Printed Photos = Stronger Families

New research from Chatbooks and HP, based on a survey of 15,591 families, proves photos lead to confident kids, more engaged parents, and ultimately stronger families.

Printed photos help families connect

3x better than digital photos.

When looking at printed photos...


feel closer to each other


appreciate each other more

Printed photos create

more confident kids.

When looking at printed photos, kids feel:


improved imagination


stronger sense of identity


more connected


increased self-esteem

Printed photos remind parents that they are good parents*

*which previous research links to being a more capable and engaged parent

68% agree

Looking at photos of my family makes me feel like I’m doing a good job as a parent

Printed photos help partners feel more connected.

73% agree

When I look at printed photos, I feel a stronger connection to my spouse/partner.

Read the Full Chatbooks/HP Data Report Here

Hold on to what matters.

Chatbooks is the ridiculously easy way to share, print, and enjoy your family memories.