25 Crazy Fun Halloween Party Games for Kids and Adults
Cash in on loads of family fun with these creative and spooky games!

If Halloween night passes without a monster mash, did the ghosts and ghouls even come out to play? Whether you’re the king or queen of yearly spook-tacular soirées or just kicking off the tradition with your little goblins, these DIY party games will have your guests howling with laughter . From spine-chilling classics to grown-up fun (because who said Halloween is only for trick-or-treating?), these 25 games will make your party boo-tifully unforgettable. Snap shots of your guests in their creepy, kooky costumes so you can relive the memories—or use them as blackmail next year!
There are many variations on this game, but the idea is for each team to wrap up a designated mummy in toilet or crepe paper as fast as they can. The goal is to run out of paper first and in the fastest amount of time without breaking the roll!
A twist on the classic game of corn hole, this game takes your pumpkin carving to a whole new level. Carve out the mouths of the jack-o-lanterns into big open holes and set up a game of bean-bag toss with some adorable and spooky prizes.
This is a truly awesome idea, and it also involves a fun DIY project. Get a large, square piece of wood and paint a checkerboard pattern on it. Then purchase some small orange and white pumpkins (the same amount of each)... and voila! You have a pumpkin checkerboard game ready to play with your friends and family out in the backyard. Check out this one for some inspiration.
Fill some orange balloons with air, draw a pumpkin face on each, and set the balloons loose in your backyard. Get the kids to stomp out the balloons and pop as many as they can under a minute.
Find little Halloween toys like plastic eyeballs, fake spiders and ghost handkerchiefs, and hide them in sneaky locations throughout your home and yard. Then, tell the guests to find these trinkets and associate each one with an awesome prize.
Always a crowd favorite, truth or dare can be spiced up with a little Halloween flavor by creating some dares that are slightly spooky! Dare someone to tell a scary story, make a spooky face or to jump out of the closet the next time someone in your group leaves the room and returns.
Who you gonna call (when you can’t get your guests to leave your Halloween party because they’re having so much fun?!). Draw ghost faces onto white plastic cups and then stack them into a pyramid. Let guests take shots at trying to knock the cups down with a Nerf gun (if you’re outside) or ping pong ball (if you’re indoors and don’t want to wreck your house).
Set up a fake spider race track on a table using tape to designate the start and finish lines, along with each player’s racing lane. Then give the kids some straws to blow their toy spiders to the finish line!
Paint monsters, ghouls and ghosts onto empty cans or bottles, and stack them in a bowling set-up. Use a plastic pumpkin or an orange ball to bring your Halloween bowling game to life!
Fill a jar full of candy corn, Halloween candy and other trinkets and then have guests guess how many items are in the jar. Let the winner choose their prize!
Write down some classic Halloween character names onto slips of paper, drop them into a bowl and have everyone draw a paper at random. Then, the party-goers will go around and ask questions to figure out which character each player is. The first one to figure out the characters wins.
Scramble some Halloween words on a piece of paper and then see which guests can unscramble the words before anyone else!
A good party needs delicious treats, and what better way to add to the fun than a cookie decorating station as a party game?! Bake some sugar cookies into the shapes of bats, spiders, ghosts and pumpkins and get busy.
A clever take on horse shoes or the classic ring toss: Set up a station with homemade paper witch hats as the goals and toss some rings for hours of fun.
Just like the capture the flag game, but instead of a flag, use a mini-pumpkin and split into two teams in the backyard for an awesome and competitive game.
This game can be found online or made up by the host, but the goal is to come to the party in character and figure out who murdered who by the end of the night. Send the roles out in advance and play out the game with some spooky music and props.
Instead of using just one word to pass along like in the classic telephone game, use a spooky phrase or story and see how it changes as you pass it along the ghost line.
This is a great way for guests of all ages to enjoy playing together and getting a little competitive. Use candy as the bingo chips and Halloween images and words as the bingo squares. This classic game will be a guaranteed hit.
A great game for adults, this high-stakes twist on the classic pictionary will leave guests laughing and loving your Halloween party. Have guests carve clues into their pumpkins for their pictionary word and give them a time limit to make the game even more competitive.
Think of all the great cinematic masterpieces that are Halloween-based plots! Create a game of trivia and put your friends’ movie knowledge to the test with this awesome party game.
Spice up this game with some spooky, eerie and creepy scenarios to make this game a Halloween hit!
You can find the rules for this game online. This Halloween game is great for a late night scare and to keep guests on their toes.
Who doesn’t love a good game of scattergories? Add some rules to this game by making all the categories Halloween-themed.
Just like your favorite college pastime, find some ping pong balls and turn them into eyeballs using markers or stickers. Then, set up a great round of “beer pong” (you can use your drink of choice) for a fun Halloween festivity.
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