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18 Funny Middle Child Quotes to Celebrate National Middle Child Day

While they may joke about being the forgotten child, our families wouldn’t be complete without our middle-born kiddos!

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Funny Quotes

"Happy Middle Child Day to everyone whose family forgot." 

“Parents are stricter with the first-borns, and I was just happy that I didn’t get that strict treatment, until I realized the rules are all gone with the youngest one that came after.”

“Maybe the reason why our parents have another child to make us the middle ones is just so that our awesomeness wouldn’t stand out too much.”

“Middle child: the one who secretly keeps the family from falling apart.”

Oldest child: I make rules

Middle child: I’m the reason we have rules

Youngest child: The rules don’t apply to me

Relatable Quotes

"D.J. is the oldest, and Michelle is the cutest, and I'm nothing." — Stephanie Tanner, Full House

“We might get passed-down clothes and second-hand toys, but that makes us a lot more low-maintenance to take care of!”

“Most middle children are the mediators. You’ll find that their old habits die hard when they put everything aside just to make sure that everyone else is alright.”

“If anything, being the middle child has definitely raised me to be far more patient than I’d be if I weren’t one.”

“The beauty of being the middle child is that you can learn from the older ones and teach the younger ones. You learn from both worlds.”

Celebrity Quotes

"I am the model middle child. I am patient and I like to take care of everyone. Being called nice is a compliment. It’s not a boring way to describe me." —Jennifer Garner

“I'm a typical middle child. I'm the mediator. The one that makes everything OK, puts their own needs aside to make sure everybody's happy.” —Jennifer Jason Leigh

“The middle child could do the most amazing things, and nobody's ever going to notice because the other two are just busy making so much noise.” —Richard Herring

“Middle children had FOMO before it was cool.” —Mara Wilson

“As a middle child, I definitely considered the merits of getting trapped in a well just for the attention.” —Chris Schleicher

“My sister just asked me how much money our parents give me a month and I’m like wait, what, they give you money?” —Liliana Marmolejo

“My wife was a middle kid out of nine. Got ‘forgot at the mall’ all the time. My in-laws are felons!” —Jonah Goldberg

“As a middle child, I always considered my brothers to be the bookends. Which makes me the book.” —Josh Malerman

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