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Pro Tips for Editing Your Life (and Camera Roll!) with The Home Edit

“Life is hard enough, let's not set the bar so high that we can't accomplish things." 

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How did you two meet and know that you wanted to be business partners?

Clea: Joanna loves to make fun of me for this. When I first moved to Nashville, I knew zero people. I had zero friends. My kids were so young that they weren't even going to be helpful yet in terms of mom dates. So I did what I thought was the rational, reasonable thing to do, which is blind date people on the internet, just like people have to do for other reasons. I struck up a new friendship with a mom who was a local blogger, Leah, who is still one of my best friends. And she introduced me to Joanna. So Joanna thinks it's super pathetic and lame that I friend-dated, but look where it got us. 

Joanna: The second we met, like, as we were walking in to have brunch that day, I was like: Oh, 1,000,000% this is my person.

Can you explain what the “low-bar lifestyle” is?

Clea: The low-bar lifestyle is basically if you placed the bar so low that it's barely off the ground, and all you have to do is step over it and give yourself a gold star. We are all about small accomplishments. They add up to the big picture and count for something.

Joanna: So in our low-bar lifestyle, it's like, you know what? Life is hard enough. Let's not set the bar so high that we can't accomplish things. Let's just take bite-size pieces as we go. It's the only way we're ever going to get through today.

I tried to organize my pantry with labels and bins… one bin for lentils, one bin for beans, etc. and now everything is a disaster on the floor? What did I do wrong?

Clea: You have a labeling issue. The problem is when people do not label correctly, you get a little bit of pantry paralysis where you're like, well, this is all wrong. And then it's really hard and you can’t stick to being organized because the system's broken. Any pantry can be labeled in six categories.

  • Breakfast 
  • Dinner
  • Snacks
  • Baking
  • Cooking 
  • Sweets 

I challenge you to find anything in your pantry that does not fit into those categories, or if it's there and it doesn't, then it probably doesn't belong in your pantry. (Check out their first book that comes with a free sheet of labels!) 

Listen to the full MomForce Podcast episode for more of Clea and Joanna’s genius professional organizing tips. Follow The Home Edit on Instagram and check out Get Organized with The Home Edit on Netflix!

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